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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Music Man

Have you ever wanted something before, SO MUCH, that you feel like you'll die if you don't get it? Those are my feelings right now at this moment. (Yes, I know, I sound like a whiny teenager. Hopefully, that will stop soon.) It's about a part in a play. Normal, right? Funny thing: It's not a part that I want for myself. It's a part I want for someone else. That's right, Emily thinks of others sometimes. Surprising, I know. But I legitimately would give up a place in this play to ensure that this person gets the part I want them to get. They play the part BRILLIANTLY, and, quite frankly, they deserve it more than anyone else. Ever. Period. They are just about the nicest person I know, they are always serving others, and they haven't had a lead to encompass the true awesomeness of their talents. I know that it's only junior high, but, at this point, I don't care what I'll think in five years, I care what I think now, and I want this semester to be the best it can be, and that's not going to happen if they don't get that part! I want this so bad, that I had a dream about it, and I felt like crying when I woke up to the reality and horror of callbacks. My hopes are waaay too high, it's probably unhealthy... I'm a bit frustrated about this, can you tell? Alas, not all hope is lost! In fact, it's still very probable that it could happen. I just hope I'm lucky. That is all. Yes. You can stop reading this post now. Why are you still reading? Are you seriously going to read this whole thing?? Gah, guess who's tired? Me. If you guessed anyone else, you are sadly mistaken. WELL, I guess you could be tired as well. WELL, technically, anyone could be tired, so, I guess I was wrong about that. Any answer could've been correct, but the answer I was looking for was me. So, I veto all other answers. So there. *facepalm*... Worst. Post. Ever. P.S. SNOW!!! YAY!! What an adventure we had!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

End of Term

AH! I'm freaking out! The end of term is this week, and I have a B+... Do you know what will happen if I get a B+?? Serious grounding action. *sigh* This is no bueno. As soon as I get home, I'm going into homework mode, and not coming out until I finish that project!! Also, does anyone have any suggestions on good books to read that have to do with psychology? I'm kind of interested in that subject lately. Also, it's the third part of my project... As you can see, school is all that is on my mind right now. Being in 9th grade can be very stressful. Scratch that, it IS very stressful. Constantly. And waiting four weeks for a cast list doesn't help. No, you didn't read that wrong. Four weeks. I know tomorrow... and that has helped with my slow and painful death-like feeling... Boo. That is all... :P