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Friday, January 28, 2011


AAAAHHHH!!!! The twins were born!! :D :D :D :D Ok, here's how it went down, the girl was born first and 6:07 and the boy and 6:33. They were both 4 lbs 10 oz and 18" long. Their names are Amanda and Andrew. I got to see Amanda through a window into the place where they are keeping her, and they are both in an incubator, but they will probably just be put into a special care nursery soon. They will be out of the hospital in about two weeks and then I will get to hold them for the first time! I can't wait!! I'm sure that everyone will get to hold them sooner or later, don't worry, you will all have your turn. They are both healthy and are doing great for premature twins. Mom is doing well too and will be out by Sunday. I can't wait until the twins get out of the there!! Then I will see them!! YAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cast List

I just got the cast list for both of my plays in this past week. In one, I am an old lady who gets robbed, and in the other, I am a "seductress" as my friend Ashleigh calls it. Yeeeeaaah. This is going to be...what's the word? Interesting. But it's ok, because, if I fail, I won't fail alone!! *cough, cough, MARISSA* ;). But we will only fail in one of the plays. The other one will fail without our help. I just finished reading through the script of When in Rome (which is the one where I get robbed), and I definitely disagree with Mrs. Green's casting decision. It's not very often that I will do that, but Mrs. Green, geez, what was she thinking? She cast the guy who played the Prince in Cinderella as a main part again!! It's not like she had no one else to put in as Gladis (yeah, that's the character's name, and yes, it is very girly). This other guy that I know would do soooo well!!! Ugh, I don't even know what she was doing. Other than that little mix-up, everyone else can play their part for sure. I really hope that everyone will do super duper awesome in their part and somewhat cover up the failing that might be going on... But anyway, I'm really excited for both plays, because no matter how much they fail, they will both be tons of fun!!! SSSSOOOOOO EXCITED!!! :D :D :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011


OK, so I just got home from auditions, and I think they went really well! I know Marissa's went well, because she got into GR!!!! YAY MARISSA!!! I promise, you will love it!!! I know I do! Anyway, I remembered all the words and got the tune right, I was just a little shaky on some of the words. But, that always happens. That's what happens when I'm nervous. I know, I know, I've been doing this for 7 years. I shouldn't get nervous. Why in the world would I be nervous? But, you know what? I am a lot more self-conscious and nervous than anyone could ever guess. I get nervous really easily and when I do, I get really shaky and I feel like everyone can tell that my knees are knocking and my voice is really unstable. But I know that I shouldn't worry about stuff like that anymore, I just do. It always happens with everything. Not just auditions. Singing in church, coming into a new class for the first time (*cough, cough* bella voce), or anything in front of people! That's a little tidbit that I bet you all didn't know about me. I get nervous aaaaaall the time. Promise. Anyway, I think that's about it for now. Yup! I... believe... in the POWER OF GR! HUH!!!! (said like a man)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Guys and Dolls!!

AAAAHHHH!!!! I finally found out what my show is!!! I get to do... (pause for dramatic effect...) GUYS AND DOLLS!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! YES!!!!! I am soooo excited! :D I really hope all of you guys can see it!!! It's going to be on April 30 and yeah... that's the extent of what I know.... well, I'm really excited, (if you couldn't tell by all of the exclamation points and capital letters) and I really am excited to audition and find out what part I get! I think being Adalaide would be cool, but she is a really girly girl and I have never played a girl before. Which I find to be very ironic. But no matter what part I get, I'm sooooo happy that I know what my show is and I am so excited to do this show with all of my friends!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! :D :D :D Also, I apologize to anyone I called and freaked out about this to. I know that none of you really care, but I was just so excited!!! If you couldn't tell by my screaming... :D :D :D